OLD - User Transactions

The Transactions end-points below are deprecated since April 1st 2024. Please refer to the NEW User Pre-Classified Transactions end-points, available here.

MERLIN API P&L provides access to the DeFi Transactions via several endpoints. Transactions are provided mainly per User (wallet address), but also for a specific User's Position within a DeFi Protocol.

The Transaction listings are structured following several categories:

  1. Transaction information provided with or without P&L details

    • "...WithPnl..." endpoints provide in addition: P&L USD valuation and Yield balances (with USD valuation as well)

    • available for P&L supported protocols, please refer to our website for an exhaustive protocol support listing

  2. Filtering by Chain: provide a chain name to retrieve the chain-specific Transactions only

    • "...ByChain..." endpoints require the "chain" parameter to be set

  3. Retrieval following different Time slots:

    • get the latest (max 20) Transactions prior to a Date

      • endpoints which require the "startDate" parameter to be set

    • get up to 100 Transactions within a specified Time Frame

      • "...ByPeriod..." endpoints require "startTime" and "endTime" query parameters to be set; "endTime" must be an older date/time than "startTime"; Transactions older than "startTime" are returned, back in time until "endTime"

    • get the latest up to 100 Transactions within the Last Hours (last 2h, last 3h, ... enables automation, automatic Tx retrieval every few hours)

      • "...Last..." endpoints require the "hours" parameter to be set

A summary of the Transaction endpoints:

For the up to 100 Transactions endpoints, if in the specified Time Frame/Hours there are more than 20 Transactions, the system will automatically create a new call to get all the Tx during the specified Time Frame/Hours. For example, if there are 30 Tx, the system will charge 2 calls, if there are 55 Tx, the system will charge 3 calls. The maximum which can be charged is 5 calls (to retrieve the 100 Tx).

API End-point Description

This section details all the above mentioned User Transaction endpoints and their configurable parameters.

Response Fields Description

This section details the Transaction data structure of the response provided, and the meaning of each parameter.

Last updated